A Celebration of Risk and Enterprise: Monday 29th October, 2007

Campaign for Adventure[CfA] – ‘A Celebration of Risk and Enterprise, The Mall Galleries (near Admiralty Arch), is an event with a difference. It will focus on healthy risk taking in an enterprising society and will review CfA’s progress whilst providing a progress report and an outline of the campaign’s next series of moves. Specially targeted will be health, fitness, recreation, communities, crime reduction, the arts, the compensation-culture, play, playwork, education – formal, non-formal, youthwork and education outside the classroom.

Of course, being an organization which ‘walks its talk’, the CfA will offer three other events during the evening: a private preview evening of the Vietnamese art exhibition ‘A Sense of Space’, also an inaugural event of the 10th London Asian Arts Week. The Mall Galleries themselves will celebrate opening after a complete refurbishment.

The ‘A Sense of Space’ exhibition features 40 paintings by Nguyen Thanh Binh and Nguyen Dieu Thuy, two celebrated Vietnamese artists who will be present to talk about their work during the evening and in the week following. Specially commissioned by the Oc-Eo art dealership who have sponsored the evening, these works offer an exceptional opportunity to view contemporary art with a huge Eastern tradition, yet with a strong French connection from the 19th Century. Finally, our visual presentation this evening, and the supporting sound and video equipment has been donated by Graeme Mackie, of Nation.

Invitations to the event: available from the CfA Coordinator, Ian Lewis, be telephoning 0845 345 7423 or Ian can be emailed at: ian@campaignforadventure.org

Released 22nd October, 2007