National Citizen Service Scheme

 Teach First founder to advise government's Big Society programme By Janaki Mahadevan Children & Young People Now 18 May 2010 The founder of the Teach First movement Nat Wei has been appointed as an adviser on the government's Big Society programme and has also been made a member of the House of Lords. Wei will […]

‘Some Cultural Aspects of Creating and Facilitating Entrepreneurs’

Campaign for Adventure – Risk and Enterprise in Society ‘Some Cultural Aspects of Creating and Facilitating Entrepreneurs’  Ian F. Lewis, FRSA FInstLM  Coordinator, Campaign for Adventure – Risk and Enterprise in Society, United Kingdom  ‘Risk & Entrepreneurship’ Conference, Brasov, April 2010   Abstract: By creating a culture which supports healthy risk-taking, society benefits by creating […]

Find a Mission:Explore at Waterstone’s!

IT’S TIME TO EXPLORE! 102 missions that challenge kids to (re)discover our world. Kids ofany age can become guerrilla explorers and extreme missioners with missions that defygravity, see the invisible and test mental agility. "very witty, well-written and full of original ideas to get children over 10 yrs of age out exploring." Juliet Robertson, Creative […]

Schools ‘too safe’

Schools 'too safe' teachers say The HSE's Judith Hackitt: ''It is right and proper that children learn to deal with risk'' Nearly half of teachers believe the health and safety culture in schools is damaging children's learning and development, a survey suggests. Ian Lewis

Learning to Live

IAN LEWIS FRSA   Understanding and learning through the natural environment is, itself, 'at risk'   The Campaign for Adventure (CfA) improves understanding of the benefits which stem from an adventurous approach to life. This Campaign builds on the growing awareness that the increasing tendency to protect people from danger and the concern to avoid […]

National service at 16 under David Cameron

Cameron: Growing up should mean more than getting drunk on your 18th birthday  David Cameron scored a coup today by enlisting Sir Michael Caine to back his plan for a citizen's army of school leavers. The Tory leader set out a vision of every 16-year-old spending two months on a scheme called National Citizen Service, […]

Michael Caine backs Tory plan

 Sir Michael Caine has voiced his support for David Cameron's idea of citizens' national service for teenagers Link to this video Not a lot of people knew that Michael Caine was set to be the Conservative party's secret weapon in the general election campaign. But today, the Oscar-winning actor, who last year threatened to leave […]

Compensation Act 2006 (Amendment)

Compensation Act 2006 (Amendment) House of Commons debates, 2 February 2010, 3:34 pm Ordered: That Jeremy Wright, Mr. Mark Harper, Mrs. Maria Miller, Mr. David Lidington, Mr. Philip Hollobone, Rob Marris, Mrs Siân James, Tim Farron, John Hemming, Angela Watkinson, James Duddridge and Mr. Stephen Crabb present the Bill. Jeremy Wright accordingly presented the Bill. […]

BBC Thrillseeker

ThrillSeeker, after only twelve days, has 700 events- Ian Lewis reports Countryfile – Thrillseeker promotions – with a regular audience of 6 million  – it's a great way to get your activities noticed. This Sunday (14 February). Features paragliding, Next Sunday (21 February). Features canoeing, 7 March – No promo as current content not applicable […]