Mis-reporting threatens school trips – again

Re: ‘When death is corporate fault’ by Georgina Fuller. TES April 4th 2008 We are writing to express our deep concern about your misleading and inaccurate article on corporate manslaughter (TES 4th April).  

Risk is OK – Courts decide

Risk is OK – Courts decide The benefit of healthy risk-taking outweigh the risks   Beales -v- The Scouts In the recent case of Beales -v- The Scouts Assc the court was asked to consider whether the Assc. were negligent in running a game which involved the children jumping over a rope with a bag tied […]

New David Willetts Paper

Willetts advocates more adventure and excitement in the Childhood Review – Part Two see www.davidwilletts.org.uk

Adult fears of legal action

Adult fears of legal action are limiting childhood experiences, according to Michelle Elliot from charity Kidscape. Is this true?  Are fears of legal action really inhibiting childhood experiences including school trips?  We believe the messages are unclear.  Please communicate your views to Campaign for Adventure and let us put the record straight. email now: Campaign […]

Learning Outside the Classroom

New measure included in the ‘Staying Safe’ Action Plan. Launched today by the Department for Children, Schools and Families. Ed Balls said:“Learning outside the classroom helps pupils understand their subjects better and increases their self-confidence.

Research Heavy Lifting

Research….On Health and Safety Guidelines These cover the right way to lift heavy objects and are a waste of time according to Finnish researchers.  A review of 11 studies, published by the British Medical Journal, found no difference in back pain where one group received training and the other did not.

PM statement in full…

PM calls for a better approach to the understanding and management of public risk PM calls for a better approach to the understanding and management of public risk DEPARTMENT FOR BUSINESS, ENTERPRISE AND REGULATORY REFORM News Release (2008/011) issued by The Government News Network on 16 January 2008 New Risk and Regulatory Advisory Council appointed […]

Where the Campaign goes…

Where the Campaign goes…. The Ambition On taking office as Prime Minister, Gordon Brown committed to taking the Better Regulation agenda to a new level by focusing upstream at where policy-making engages with risk. This is the critical starting-point of the regulatory process. It is here that culture and process must achieve a better understanding […]

Institute of Ideas

RSA – Risk and Childhood Response – see www.culturewars.org.uk  for full discourse… Ian Lewis, of Campaign for Adventure – Risk and Enterprise in Society, and clerk of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Adventure and Recreation in Society, put up a valiant effort to counter this state of affairs. He talked enthusiastically about testing young […]

Thumbs up for risky play

Thumbs up for risky play 23 August 2006 This afternoon the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) visited Somerford Grove Adventure Playground in Haringey – London's newest adventure playground – to launch its 'Sensible Risk' principles in London. Entitled 'Life is an adventure – Take a risk!' the campaign highlights the practical actions that sensible risk management […]