Spirit of Adventure

Dewsbury man's adventure award for microlight adventure David Sykes flew over 20 countries in his microlight to reach Australia. "Much easier than in my wheelchair!" A paraplegic from West Yorkshire, David Sykes flew his microlight from the UK to Australia and was awarded this trophy for "the spirit of adventure". The Royal Automobile Club awarded […]

Risk and Adventure Quotations

#Ianspirational        More leadership quotes Don't refuse to go on an occasional wild goose chase – that's what wild geese are for.  ~Author Unknown To dare is to lose one's footing momentarily.  To not dare is to lose oneself.  ~Soren Kierkegaard I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that […]

Avoid death – go for a walk!

"We must get exercise into everyone’s life" Lack of fitness causes more deaths than smoking, obesity and cancer says a report, published in the Lancet to coincide with the build-up to the Olympics, estimates that about a third of adults are not doing enough physical activity, causing 5.3m deaths a year. The aim should be […]

The Great Exhibition 2012

Celebrating adventure and celebrating the supporters of adventure – Someone thinks our work with Campaign for Adventure needs celebrating…http://www.thegreatexhibition2012.co.uk/greats/ian-lewis/?search=1

Forestry Report

Publication of the Independent Panel on Forestry report The Independent Panel on Forestry have published their final report which is available to view online here: http://www.defra.gov.uk/forestrypanel/reports/ Responding to the report, Environment Secretary Caroline Spelman said: “I’d like to thank Bishop Jones and all the members of the panel for their hard work to produce this […]

Adventure Byelaws

The fun police do it again… Swimmers are banned from using the River Thames without prior permission from the Port of London Authority under a new by-law. The authority said the ban – introduced at the weekend – was needed for the safety of all river users. It is worried about the growth in popularity […]


Outdoor Adventure Week 2012 [May26-June5] completed beautifully with some of our more extravagant adventurers organizing really special experiences. One event, with a thousand boats on the Thames was amazing (if a little challenging for OAW2012’s Main Man) and another, having invited some talented friends, took over One’s Round-About for an evening’s vocal and firework adventuring! […]

National Citizenship Service Success

National Citizenship Service Success – "A youth intervention that pays" – full story From Young People Now – By Neil Puffett, Thursday 17 May 2012 The government plans to expand the programme, which is designed exclusively for 16-year-olds, from 30,000 places in 2012 up to 90,000 by 2014. Based on analysis into last year’s pilots […]

Through adventure – we get well-being

This new study, reported in the Guardian, shows how adventure and residential activities raise well-being for us all. Campaign for Adventure advocates living a life with new horizons, experiences and challenges if confidence, self-esteem and health are to flourish in our communities and families. Not only this, but crime, substance-abuse, self-abuse and antisocial behaviour are […]

Mythbusters – HSE

Health and Safety Executive sets up mythbusters panel to tackle misuse of legislation by ‘jobsworths’ – official voice to combat misuses of health and safety legislation is launched by ministers. Minister for employment, Chris Grayling, said: "All too often jobsworths are the real reason for daft health and safety decisions. We want people who are […]