National Trust Warning

Children are being denied the ‘sheer joy’ of being outdoors due to health and safety fears, the head of the National Trust warned today.  Dame Fiona Reynolds also said that cosseted upbringings are also damaging youngsters’ fitness and weakening their immune system.

Children are being denied the ‘sheer joy’ of being outdoors

Children are being denied the ‘sheer joy’ of being outdoors due to health and safety fears, the head of the National Trust warned today. Dame Fiona Reynolds also said that cosseted upbringings are also damaging youngsters’ fitness and weakening their immune system. Figures show that children are now three times more likely to injure themselves […]

Happiness = Fitness = Adventure

Go on, be happy, be adventurous – take some exercise. Fitness = happiness! Due to the excitement and adventurous challenge within exercise and movement, our bodies create and release the happiness molecule – better known as serotonin. More:–hitting-gym-Exercise-fans-feel-greater-levels-excitement-say-scientists.html

Support Our Nation

The art and science of developing judgement, integrity, trust and self-belief. Paper from learning professional shows a way forwards with evidence….

Prince Philip reviews…

Meeting at Buckingham Palace reviews the Campaign for Adventure’s impact and next moves – HRH Prince Philip, MPs and educators agree on the need for more risk-taking and adventure in our lives. Chaired by journalist Libby Purves and hosted by HRH Prince Philip in Buckingham Palace, the Campaign for Adventure was today told it had […]


BRAIN response times can be just as fast in the elderly as in the young. By Jo Willey – The Express Both children and the elderly have slower response times when they have to make quick decisions in some ­settings, but the latest research suggests that much of that slower response on adults is a […]

Good Practice: Tackling antisocial behaviour

 How a summer programme helped to tackle antisocial behaviour in Cheshire Tuesday, 15 November 2011 The Halton Summer Blitz aims to provide a range of positive activities for children and young people during the holidays Antisocial behaviour by young people dropped significantly during the Blitz programme, according to Cheshire Police

Three Leadership Thoughts

Inspire the Day – three leadership thoughts…. A love of adventure, joy in discovery, a willingness to take the risk of going out on a limb in order to move on, and of climbing to the tree top to catch a glimpse of the big view. The challenge for leaders is to build teams, organisations, […]

Public Safety and Risk Management

Public Safety and Risk Management – David Ball/Laurence Ball-King ‘So many worthwhile activities are banned or rejected in the name of Health and Safety. Everyone should read this book to see that very often these bans are not justified.’ Sir Chris Bonington "A must-read for those concerned with adventure, enterprise and potential." – Ian Lewis, […]