Possibility, adventure thresholds and new horizons

Ian Lewis, of Campaign for Adventure – Risk and Enterprise in Society, and clerk of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Adventure and Recreation in Society, put up a valiant effort to counter this state of affairs. He talked enthusiastically about testing young people’s ‘adventure thresholds’, setting ‘new horizons’, and berated us to ‘change our […]

Lord Young Report

Campaign for Adventure eagerly awaits the Young Report – Ian Lewis Excessive regulation, litigiousness and fear of being sued are constraints on Big Society aspirations.  These blocks to enterprise and aspiration, not to mention goodwill, prevent private citizens, educators, health-workers, managers, and all private companies and public services, from fulfilling their potential for our society. […]

Campaign for Adventure -PM announces review of health and safety laws

PM announces review of health and safety laws David Cameron has announced the appointment of the Rt Hon Lord Young of Graffham as Adviser to the Prime Minister on health and safety law and practice. Lord Young will undertake a Whitehall-wide review of the operation of health and safety laws and the growth of the compensation […]

Campaign for Adventure – curb the health and safety paranoia

Dangerous Book for Boys culture needed in schools, says Gove Schools should adopt a "Dangerous Book for Boys" culture to curb the health and safety paranoia, the Education Secretary has said.  By Tom Whitehead , Home Affairs Editor    Julian Brazier, chairman of the all-part group for recreation in society, which has been campaigning to […]

Gareth Malone’s Extraordinary School For Boys

Many boys are not fulfilling their potential at school and, like others across Britain, lagged behind their female peers in literacy. The result is Gareth Malone's Extraordinary School For Boys – a three-part series for BBC Two that forms part of the channel's School Season (a range of programming encompassing documentary, drama and debate, focusing […]


Ransackers 'Ransacker' – the Gaelic word rannsachadh meaning search, explore, scrutinise, discover, plunder etc – originally Old Norse. Ransackers is the official name of a bold educational opportunity for Older People.

Laura Dekker sets sail

 Freedom to fly…? As Laura Dekker's boat finally set sail yesterday for the start of a voyage that could one day lead her to be crowned as the youngest person to sail solo around the world, it was her lawyer Peter de Lange who provided the most succinct explanation as to why a 14-year-old would […]

Understanding Risks

Uncertain? Scientists often complain that the media distorts their message (sometimes even deliberately). Is this really the case? And if so, how can we tell?  This site makes sense of chance, risk, luck, uncertainty and probability… http://understandinguncertainty.org/   Information is clear with many areas given a good debate.  Projects involving lives, schools and communities are […]

Health and safety damages childhood

  Complaints that a risk-averse culture of health and safety damages childhood have become familiar. But what steps do parents actually take to remove the cotton wool? http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/8789014.stm Ian Lewis Adventure Campaign

The Coalition – Our Programme for Government

 The Updated Coalition Manifesto published today…  Section 27 – We will introduce National Citizen Service. The initial flagship project will provide a programme for 16 year olds to give them a chance to develop the skills needed to be active and responsible citizens, mix with people from different backgrounds, and start getting involved in their […]