Risk and Regulation Advisory Council

Risk and Regulation Advisory Council Today the BERR announced its much awaited guide to risk and risk culture in the UK.  The Dept for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform [BERR] today has called on us all to review our attitude to risk saying that the payoff needs to be a part of the understanding and […]

No risk, no life. Know risk, know life.

  No risk, no life. Know risk, know life. By Ian Lewis, Campaign Coordinator Life is best lived from a place of exploration, new experience and adventure.  This week, 16th – 23rd May, 2009, is Outdoor Adventure Week.  This week all schools, clubs, families, individuals and communities are invited to join the nation in an experience […]

Cottonwool Kids

'Cottonwool kids' denied access to countryside, warns Natural England Wild places are out of bounds to a generation of "cottonwool kids", according to a survey that found the majority of children do not play in the countryside. By Louise Gray, Environment Correspondent http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/5089583/Cottonwool-kids-denied-access-to-countryside-warns-Natural-England.html

More play makes better learners?

Curriculum deprives children of play opportunities By Lauren Higgs Children & Young People Now 8 April 2009 Children need more time to learn through play, the Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL) has warned.  http://www.cypnow.co.uk/bulletins/Daily-Bulletin/news/897169/?DCMP=EMC-DailyBulletin

Outdoors = Better Health

How Can the Natural Environment Affect Mental Health and Wellbeing? see Dr William Bird 'Natural Thinking' 

Young Speakers – a new adventure

Young Speakers – New for our better World Adventure is where you find it, this we have known for a long time.  Who and what you are defines what you find adventurous. Campaign for Adventure stands for all adventure – its founding document states 'life is best lived through a spirit of adventure'.  We particularly […]

Dragon’s Den Simon Woodroffe

Children need risk to thrive as adults, says Dragons’ Den judge Rosemary Bennett, Social Affairs Correspondent, The Times The obsessive “safety-first” culture in schools will rob Britain of the next generation of entrepreneurs just when the country needs them most, a leading businessmen has claimed. Simon Woodroffe, founder of Yo! Sushi and a judge on […]

Teachers at Risk – BBC

Thousands of teachers ‘at risk’ False accusations are a ‘blight’ on teaching says the NASUWT Thousands of teaching careers are being destroyed by heavy handed child protection procedures, teachers’ unions and an MP have claimed. One union leader told BBC File On 4, that teachers facing complaints are "guilty until proved innocent." Barry Sheerman, chair […]

Self harm and lack of inspirational life linked

SANE research into self harm – the evidence exists that, if society is dumbed down sufficiently, stimulating behaviours will emerge. Such is the now-emerging evidence of the over-crowded laboratory rat experiments of the '60s. The question being asked is how many other correlations and even direct links to increasing social behaviours of self-harm, aggression, selfishness, […]