Trust in Society

Trust, Truth & Integrity BBC Radio 4 'Thinking Aloud' covered aspects of trust in its 020708 programme. To hear it again: And for the Reith Lectures "A Question of Trust" click-through:        

Trust, integrity and reliability – seeking realism and balance

Trust in our society….: Through 2008 we shall be looking at the place of trust in our society, particularly the damage done through a lack of trust – in our parent, in adults, in teachers and youth workers and in organisations, large and small. The campaign's agenda states: 2.2.4 To reinforce the key principle that […]

HSE – State the case

The Editor Daily Mail Northcliffe House 2 Derry Street London W8 5TT Dear Sir If William Bewley's assertion ('Scouting for leaders', 7 May) that health and safety is a barrier to people volunteering to become Scout leaders is true then we should all be very concerned. Children need to learn about the importance of […]

The end of bouncy castle fun?

Rachel Johnson comments on the Bouncy castle case.  Extract: "No, I thought Rospa was in the game of encouraging people to take reasonable steps to prevent accidents, not egging them on to sue anyone they can. I thought that judges these days were supposed to take the principles behind the Compensation Act 2006 into […]

Cold and down-hearted…..

Station champagne romance hits health and safety buffers: Marie Woolf Whitehall Editor The railway station bar, once a classic venue for romantic encounters, has fallen victim to the health and safety police. In its 140-year history, St Pan­cras has survived steam trains, bombing raids and a massive electrification programme — but a candle was too […]

Mis-reporting threatens school trips – again

Re: ‘When death is corporate fault’ by Georgina Fuller. TES April 4th 2008 We are writing to express our deep concern about your misleading and inaccurate article on corporate manslaughter (TES 4th April).  

Risk is OK – Courts decide

Risk is OK – Courts decide The benefit of healthy risk-taking outweigh the risks   Beales -v- The Scouts In the recent case of Beales -v- The Scouts Assc the court was asked to consider whether the Assc. were negligent in running a game which involved the children jumping over a rope with a bag tied […]

New David Willetts Paper

Willetts advocates more adventure and excitement in the Childhood Review – Part Two see

Adult fears of legal action

Adult fears of legal action are limiting childhood experiences, according to Michelle Elliot from charity Kidscape. Is this true?  Are fears of legal action really inhibiting childhood experiences including school trips?  We believe the messages are unclear.  Please communicate your views to Campaign for Adventure and let us put the record straight. email now: Campaign […]

Learning Outside the Classroom

New measure included in the ‘Staying Safe’ Action Plan. Launched today by the Department for Children, Schools and Families. Ed Balls said:“Learning outside the classroom helps pupils understand their subjects better and increases their self-confidence.