Research Heavy Lifting

Research….On Health and Safety Guidelines These cover the right way to lift heavy objects and are a waste of time according to Finnish researchers.  A review of 11 studies, published by the British Medical Journal, found no difference in back pain where one group received training and the other did not.

PM statement in full…

PM calls for a better approach to the understanding and management of public risk PM calls for a better approach to the understanding and management of public risk DEPARTMENT FOR BUSINESS, ENTERPRISE AND REGULATORY REFORM News Release (2008/011) issued by The Government News Network on 16 January 2008 New Risk and Regulatory Advisory Council appointed […]

Where the Campaign goes…

Where the Campaign goes…. The Ambition On taking office as Prime Minister, Gordon Brown committed to taking the Better Regulation agenda to a new level by focusing upstream at where policy-making engages with risk. This is the critical starting-point of the regulatory process. It is here that culture and process must achieve a better understanding […]

Institute of Ideas

RSA – Risk and Childhood Response – see  for full discourse… Ian Lewis, of Campaign for Adventure – Risk and Enterprise in Society, and clerk of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Adventure and Recreation in Society, put up a valiant effort to counter this state of affairs. He talked enthusiastically about testing young […]

Thumbs up for risky play

Thumbs up for risky play 23 August 2006 This afternoon the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) visited Somerford Grove Adventure Playground in Haringey – London's newest adventure playground – to launch its 'Sensible Risk' principles in London. Entitled 'Life is an adventure – Take a risk!' the campaign highlights the practical actions that sensible risk management […]

Tobagganing on stairs helps risk education

Tobogganing down stairs 'is good for children’ Children should be allowed to take risks, says a headmaster who lets his pupils camp out on school fields and toboggan down staircases to help develop "judgment and common sense".  He said that too many schools used health and safety rules as "an excuse for not doing things", […]

‘Children need to have an accident’

'Children need to have an accident' Health and safety "extremists" are preventing children from leading a healthy and robust lifestyle, the head of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents has said. Tom Mullarkey accused "small-minded bureaucrats", of undermining genuine health and safety work. He said officials should concentrate on making Britain "as safe […]

RSA Risk Commission – Risk and Childhood

Ian F. Lewis FRSA – The Campaign for Adventure – RSA Risk Commission – 31st October, 2007 “Campaign for Adventure thanks the RSA Risk Commission for the excellent report ‘Risk and Childhood’. It moves us all some considerable way along this difficult road of taking the right risks and finding the best, if still risky, […]

Campaign Review

The Campaign for Adventure – Ian Lewis The Campaign for Adventure (CfA) is an initiative which aims to improve understanding of the important benefits for individuals and for society which stem from an adventurous approach to life in all its aspects. This Campaign arises from a developing awareness in many quarters that the increasing tendency […]

Campaign Event: 29th October, 2007 at The Mall Galleries

A Celebration of Risk and Enterprise: Monday 29th October, 2007 Campaign for Adventure[CfA] – ‘A Celebration of Risk and Enterprise‘, The Mall Galleries (near Admiralty Arch), is an event with a difference. It will focus on healthy risk taking in an enterprising society and will review CfA’s progress whilst providing a progress report and an […]