2007 – Conservative Party Viewpoint – David Willett

Giving children back their childhood Read David Willett’s speech in full [Coming shortly – the Childhood Regained report in full] David Willetts announced plans to end the compensation culture and “give children back their childhood” in a speech on Monday afternoon. David was commissioned to conduct an inquiry into childhood by David Cameron, and he […]

Prince Philip continues his support for the Campaign

Prince Philip continues his support for Campaign for Adventure Prince Philip continued his support for Campaign for Adventure by allowing the use of St George's House, Windsor Castle, for a review of the campaign's progress and objectives following recent successes.


AN OUTBREAKOF COMMON SENSE BY JAMES SLACK HOME AFFAIRS EDITOR JUDGES finally took a stand over the compensation culture yesterday, warning that it threatened to destroy the British way of life. The Court of Appeal dismissed a £150,000 damages claim against the Royal British Legion from a woman who broke her leg after falling into […]

Risk Regulation Responsibility

Better Regulation Commission says ‘Yes’ to Campaign for Adventure objectives…. by Ian Lewis Few better endorsements of this campaign’s objectives could exist than that published in the first report by the Better Regulation Commission entitled "Risk, Responsibility & Regulation", published in November 2006. Its very first recommendation: "In its principles, regulations, announcements, correspondence, targets, performance […]

Hurrah for the Risk-taker

Hurrah for Mr Cheeky, the risk-taker Libby Purves Let us now praise Lembit Öpik, MP. No, really. I am bored by smirking articles about the Montgomeryshire Liberal Democrat with the Estonian name who worries about asteroid strikes, who may or may not be plotting a leadership challenge (having previously backed the two most embarrassing failures […]

Compensation Bill Review

The voice of reason or a day trip for political spin? In a number of recent press releases and interviews Education Secretary Alan Johnson has urged teachers to provide more school trip for pupils. The Government has produced a manifesto promoting the importance of such trips and has committed funds for additional training and increased […]

Learning Outside the Classroom Manifesto

The Learning Outside the Classroom Manifesto The Learning Outside the Classroom Manifesto partnership was launched by the Secretary of State for Education and Skills on 28th November 2006. The Manifesto is a ‘movement’ or joint undertaking that many different stakeholders have helped to create and to which anyone can sign up. Its aim is to […]