Our children need to take risks

Lazy teachers, jobsworth council officers, sensationalist media reporting, kneejerk politicians and sharp lawyers and insurers all have a hand in fuelling the health and safety culture. And at the very centre of the mess are some deeply confused values about children. In the past years we have begun to realise the flaws in this zero-risk […]

Help the HSE

Challenge the HSE to help create a better balance between risk and opportunity in our society http://www.redtapechallenge.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/home/index/

Judith Hackett HSE

Misguided "jobsworths" are preventing children from enjoying traditional playground games through the over-zealous application of health and safety laws, says the watchdog for the legislation. Judith Hackitt, head of the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), accused councils of using health and safety rules to avoid providing activities that might cost money or expose them to […]

National Citizenship Service

By Janaki Mahadevan Thursday, 23 June 2011 The cost of the government's flagship youth programme National Citizen Service (NCS) cannot be justified, the education select committee has concluded. In its report into youth services the committee said it could not give its backing to the programme in its current form given the costs involved and […]

Campaign for Adventure gets results again

Red Tape Task Force calls for clearer legal protection for volunteers Following from CfA's work supporting the 2006 Compensation Bill, we have worked with Lord Hodgson and his team to inform and publish 'Unshackling Good Neighbours', a report which seeks to free-up the potential of the Big Society.  In our 2006 work we knew millions […]

Better life…and a Bigger Society

Campaign for Adventure is a strong supporter of the Big Society initiative.  Whilst planning a CfA session 24 points of potential were set into a Big Society Vision Plan.  We now offer these as ideas for improvement. Tell us what you think…  

Never too old for adventure

PHILIPSBURG, St. Maarten — An 85-year-old British sailor who dreamed of crossing the Atlantic on a raft as a young boy completed the journey with three friends Wednesday. The crossing to this Caribbean island, led by Anthony Smith of London, took about two months and was generally smooth except for damage to two rudders on […]

Outdoor Adventure Week launches again….

Outdoor Adventure Week 2011 is launched with National Windsurfing Week and BBC Things To Do campaign.  <http://www.nationalwindsurfingweek.org/ > From the 1st to the 8th of May, 2011 Outdoor Adventure Week celebrates again. All action events, activities and experiences for the UK.  Participants and providers include adventure sports clubs, youth organisations, schools, colleges and hundreds of […]

Westminster Debate Risk and Learning

14 Elected members speak in support of outdoor learning One important aspect of learning outside the classroom, that of outdoor and adventure-based learning, was discussed during a short [90 minute] adjournment debate in Westminster Hall Wednesday last week. Depressingly, 76% of teachers turned down the opportunity to go on a field trip because of fears […]

InGenious in us All

Who has the potential to achieve true greatness? According to conventional arguments based on nature versus nurture, very few people. The clear lesson from gene expression, brain plasticity, and expertise studies, however, is this: no one knows. We do not – and cannot – know our own limits until we acquire and deploy the right […]