Core Principles

1.1 The Campaign is founded on the core values of ‘Respect for self’, ‘Respect for others’ and ‘Respect for the wider environment’, and through these core values seeks to encourage co-operation; interdependence, empathy; respect, support, care, trust; integrity.

1.2 The Campaign asserts that individuals can take responsibility for their own lives and, with suitable experience, make informed judgments about safety and risk.

1.3 The Campaign attaches great value to learning and understanding from direct experience, appropriately reviewed, assessed, and recorded.

1.4 The Campaign strongly endorses the importance of Lifelong Learning.

1.5 The Campaign seeks to make adventure socially inclusive, thereby expanding opportunity for all and strengthening communities.

1.6 The Campaign seeks to show that personal, social, and economic success are the product of positive motivation, creativity, enterprise, capability, and courage.

2. The Plan for the Campaign for Adventure.

2.1 Support. The Campaign is seeking support from, and partnership with organisations, institutions, agencies, and individuals who appreciate the importance and value of the campaign and who can contribute to it or benefit from it.

2.2 Duration. The Campaign will commence in June 2001 and conclude in November 2023.

2.3 Management. The Campaign will be planned and co-ordinated by a Management Group consisting of a maximum of twelve people drawn from sponsoring and partner bodies. The Management Group will report at intervals to the sponsor and partner organisations. The Campaign will be managed on a day-to-day basis by a Project Manager under the guidance of the Management Group, with administrative support from the Institute for Outdoor Learning. The Campaign is seeking the patronage of a substantial number of leading figures, including some of those who have endorsed the Manifesto for Outdoor Adventure for Young People. Certain individuals will be approached to take a more active role as “Ambassadors for Adventure”.

2.4 Finance. Funding will be sought from partner organisations, individuals, and commercial sponsors.

2.5 Campaign content

Provided that funding is secured, the Campaign may include the following elements:

*Wider circulation of the Manifesto for Outdoor Adventure for Young People by the Foundation for Outdoor Adventure, distributed with the report of the Conference in November 2020.

* Approaches to partner and supporting bodies and individuals throughout 2021

* A series of national public lectures/conferences in 2021,

* A series of regional public lectures/conferences in 2022.

* Publications, including case-studies of good practice, codes of practice, education pack aimed at young people.

*An Invitation Consultation whose report will be widely circulated to key decision-makers. Winter 2021.

* A Presentation to an all-Parliamentary group of peers and MPs in 2021, resulting from the Consultation.

* A television series on the theme of Youth Adventure.

* Information to be prepared for young people on finding adventure on your doorstep. A guide to adventurous living in a community context (including, physical, social, cultural, entrepreneurial opportunities.).

* Publication of a substantial research summary that pulls together the various UK research projects which have addressed issues of risk and adventure, and perhaps also including relevant research or research summaries from overseas.

* A major concluding event or rally, attended by Ministers, community leaders, and the media, immediately following the events connected with the celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the first ascent of Mt. Everest (May 2003). (Not yet discussed with Mount Everest Foundation).