Dangerous Book for Boys culture needed in schools, says Gove

Schools should adopt a "Dangerous Book for Boys" culture to curb the health and safety paranoia, the Education Secretary has said.

Julian Brazier, chairman of the all-part group for recreation in society, which has been campaigning to reform health and safety rules, said: "Young people need opportunities to explore and learn how to manage risk if they are to develop into self-confident people." 

Michael Gove said the "bubble-wrapped" culture that has seen teachers become too risk averse over adventurous activities and school trips must end.

He believes parents are frustrated by the restrictive attitude and has promised to rip up the red tape and tackle the compensation culture that has created it.

Mr Gove said: "Any parent can insist their child doesn't take part, but overall I think parents think school is too risk-averse.

"We need to change our bubble-wrap culture. We need a Dangerous Book for Boys culture."

Lord Young, the former cabinet minister, is currently reviewing all health and safety laws for the Coalition Government.

Some teachers have claimed they been advised to avoid organising trips because any accidents could result in legal or disciplinary action.

They have also complained that some activities can require health and safety assessments running to up to 100 pages long.

It is understood one option being examined is to require courts to give more weight to the good intentions of teachers who organise trips or activities when considering any compensation claim.

Claimants may have to prove reckless endangerment rather than just negligence.

Chris Keates, general secretary of the NASUWT, said: "Teachers can lose their careers over an accident and face prosecution.

"People need to realise there is such a thing as a genuine accident."

Julian Brazier, chairman of the all-part group for recreation in society, which has been campaigning to reform health and safety rules, said: "Young people need opportunities to explore and learn how to manage risk if they are to develop into self-confident people."