Summer weather is back and with it Outdoor Adventure Week – OAW2013 – now six years supporting active adventure and making it thrive across the UK.

With reports of events and activities from all around the UK, and the launch of Britain on Foot during OAW2013, too, we have the perfect opportunity to celebrate both the adventure we do and our new adventures of the week.

Do not forget, OAW2013 is happening all around you (and we hope with you) from the 4th – 11th May. Do challenge yourself to try something different – the aim is to do something today you have never done before.

Ray Mears says –
‘It is vital that young people, families, everyone, use this opportunity to find adventure in their lives."

Ian Lewis says "Support OAW2013 by doing something different and we guarantee that your life will change."

Events are being organised by families, centres, schools, clubs and communities and charities – National Trust, RSPB, Camping and Caravanning Club, and many, many others around the UK. See some of these at BBC ‘Things-to-Do . Are you part of the 1200 forest events? The 1300 camping events? 989 walks? 650+ cycle rides? There are events for ‘Wild Women’, and fund-raising abseils, sleep-outs and picnics. All these things are happening in your area and they are happening around you. You can join them – just by seeing what is going on through the BBC .

Do not forget that the aim is you organise yourself, but,given we want double the events in 2013, (there were 6000 events last year) you are invited to use this opportunity to:

– Challenge yourself – try something different and do something today you have never done before. Sing a song, walk somewhere interesting, join a club, try a new sport, take a picnic to a park… is your adventure week, so choose something at your adventure level.

– Raise your profile by telling all about your adventure @OAW2013

– Get adventure ideas – from young people, parents, local activity providers such as bike hirers, outdoor centres, event promoters, communities, sports clubs, schools, local councils, fitness centres, community groups. Everyone and all are welcome to join in this Adventurous Britain.

– Just do it – and enjoy yourself! Try making friends with sheep – like Emily, Jon and Sheena yesterday whilst walking fields during a Dorset Festival…

– Very Special for 2013 – link your event with ‘Britain on Foot’ – a whole year to enjoy support from adventure retailers, clubs and others wishing to help you move to an active life-styles.

Whether you are a group, community, organisation or family, link your ideas to Outdoor Adventure Week by telling everyone what you are doing.Twitter it @OAW2013

Just do it!

Media – For more information:
Contact Campaign Coordinator Ian Lewis 01730 233652 / 07802 423502
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