Managing Risk in Play Provision: Implementation guide
Foreword by Baroness Delyth & Morgan and Gerry Sutcliffe MP
The huge response to our recent Fair Play consultation shows that children and young
people want to play outside. They also want bigger and better play areas with more 
exciting, varied and challenging equipment and activities available to them.
As we carried out our Children’s Plan consultations around the county, we heard this
message from parents too. Strong new evidence tells us that play is not only vital as part 
of a happy childhood but is also needed to develop skills that are important for success in
life. The Government’s Play Strategy responds to this, and sets out a vision for excellent 
play opportunities in every local area. We want all children to enjoy playing outside in safe,
but exciting, environments.
Parents and children recognise that you can never make everything completely safe, and
that a balance is needed between risk and fun. As we said in the Government’s Staying 
Safe Action Plan, everyone has a role in making sure that children are safe to enjoy their
childhoods. To do this we all need to strike the right balance between protecting our
children from harm and allowing them the freedom to develop independence.
This Managing Risk in Play Provision guide sets out in clear, practical terms how this 
difficult balance can be achieved in play provision, through the decisions providers and
managers make locally. We are very pleased to have worked closely with the Health and
Safety Executive and other key partners to get this guidance right.
With the use of this guide and Design for Play: A guide to creating successful play spaces,
we look forward to more exciting, innovative and challenging play opportunities being
offered to our children and young people in every neighbourhood.
Baroness Delyth Morgan
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Children
Gerry Suttcliffe MP
Minister for Sport
Download report: Minister for Sport