Outward Bound® Research continues to show that young people of all backgrounds face challenges at every stage of their education and transition into employment, challenges that too many struggle to overcome. This research also confirms that, outdoor learning changes how young people think and feel about themselves and their lives, by building their personal, social and emotional skills at critical times in their lives.

Other research confirm outdoor learning as an excellent creator of self esteem, confidence, trust, self-belief, leadership, team and group skills, resilience, decision-making, self-responsibility taking, public confidence and courage.

 For more information read further – or down load the report



“Apprentice has returned from this Outward Bound® week a more confident person. I am both delighted and a little amazed that such a change can occur in one week.”
Line Manager, Volkswagen Group UK Ltd

“Since I returned home from Outward Bound®, I have a more positive and social attitude towards the world. I have been able to handle stress and overcome hardships far more easily. It has allowed me to become far more efficient and more easily motivated.”
Matthew, 15

For further research findings and education and employer case studies, read our Social Impact Reports:

pdf buttonSocial Impact Report 2014

pdf buttonSocial Impact Report 2011

pdf buttonSocial Impact Report 2009