The Campaign’s many fronts:
2. The All Party Parliamentary Group on Adventure in Society
3. The increasing network of supporters
4. The Press Lobby – supporting education and learning
5. The Compensation Bill 2006 and Implementation
6. BERR – All Stick Now and Carrots Tomorrow?
7. The Better Regulation Commission Report – see current press
8. The 2010 St George’s House Consultation
10. The ongoing CfA lobby – involving all the above and much more
11. BBC Thrillseeker 2010 moves into cross-platform promotion mode
Brief updates available below [as at 14.06.14]
The press lobby
a. The press is broad-based, although generally showing ever more favour. The firmest evidence of the success of the campaign to date is through both the ratio of negative articles on adventure to positive, and the degree of understanding within the articles. The press now seems disinclined to ‘fire from the hip’ and offers more balanced views. We have generally failed to find close links with journalists – although there are significant exceptions.
b. Main Objectives: Pretty well achieved. Our ideal [positive thoughtful & informed articles on demand] is now within the journalists’ gift and fine examples continue with few exceptions.
c. Current actions: i. Action continues to gain press support/ers. ii. Pressure to curry support from editors and reporters is ongoing. iii. Specialist press articles continue to be a good route. iv. Increasing success, particularly on fronts 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 & 10, will lead to ongoing success with the press.
The Compensation Bill Bill became law on the 25th July, 2006, now the Heroes Bill is seeking to increase the level of commitment shown by society to those who , through good intention and duty, seek to help others. Increasingly known as the Good Samaritan Act, it has clauses aimed at protecting public goodwill and good intentions and safeguarding people who take sensible risks in education, youthwork, sport and other ‘goodwill’ areas. When contributing to our society, we cannot expect people to risk becoming subject to litigation.
Current actions: Link with work on fronts 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9.
The St George’s House Consultation – 14 – 16th November, 2014
a. ‘Risk and Enterprise in Society’. Held in partnership with SGH.
b. Main objective: To attract the ‘leaders and opinion-formers from across society and from different areas of interest and expertise – business, education, entrepreneurial activity, the voluntary sector, the law and government – to come together for a period of intense debate and discussion . The aim of the consultation was to explore the question: ‘What is the contribution that healthy adventure and exploration makes, and could be making, to all aspects of society if we were able to remove the blocks and free-up opportunity’.
c. Purchase report and support this campaign:
The All Party Parliamentary Group on Adventure [in Society]
a. Situation: This group has been relaunched and has held further meetings.
c. Actions: Agreed by the group, its new agenda will be promoted in July 2014
a. Situation: The Campaign Web Site has retained a steady hit-rate since its creation early in the campaign. It is gratifying to find the site in the first 10 of most search engine inquiries on adventure and risk. The site has recently been further updated [it is usually changed every month] and it continues to retain a number of actions, press comments, support actions, quotations and debate topics.
b. Objectives: To be a source of information about the campaign as well as a source for quotation and debate on adventure and healthy risk-taking.
c. Actions: continued update following submission of interesting information from network members
The ongoing CfA lobby – involving all the above and much more – 2014
a. Current situation: Whilst this section incorporates all the above and much more, it is worth noting that the progression of the campaign followed the sequence ‘awareness-raising, networking, action and follow-ups’ as outlined in the original campaign agenda which can be seen on the web-site. It is hoped the next stage of the campaign will be more successful in its fundraising remit.
b. Objectives: To review progress, to revisit the agenda and develop a new plan of action – which includes ‘new funding’.